Monday, February 27, 2006

Thoughts On Abortion

The Pope pronounced that life begins at conception, so on Yahoo a bunch of people jokingly asked if that meant wasting sperm was a sin.

Don't get me wrong, I'm pro-choice, but it's just stupid to try to parody the idea that life begins at conception by claiming that sperm somehow come under the same idea.

Yes, it's a stretch. A sperm is a cell from YOUR body. Just like a skin cell that might get scraped off, it has no life of its own. Same for an ovum. But when DNA from the two combine, then it's a new entity, there's no denying that no matter what your view on abortion is.

I just think you have to be practical, that's why I'm pro-choice.

I'm just glad I'm not a woman so I will never have to make that decision. But if my daughter felt she needed an abortion, I would fully support her decision.

One thing people need to do is realize what an utter luxury it is to consider that every life is sacred. 2100 years ago when the German people were wandering Europe, they often killed their sick and elderly who couldn't keep up with the tribes. It was considered mercy killing, and it also helped the rest to survive.

When a man was killed in battle, his wife was given six months to find a new man. If she didn't get one, she and her children would be killed.

The Romans considered this barbaric, but even they would leave an infant to nature if it were deformed, or unwanted.


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